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Full Facelift

Facelift Turkey : Full facelift at a cheap price

Ask for a free online quote for your facial surgey in Turkey

Aram clinic provides you with all the necessary information concerning your facial surgery.

We offer total care for our patients allowing them to benefit from an all-inclusive medical stay in the best conditions.

To take advantage of an all-inclusive and cheap facial surgey price in Turkey, just ask for a free online quote.

This price is competitive, confidential and personalized. We put at your disposal a multilingual advisor to answer all your questions and deal with your request.

What is a facelift ?

A facelift is a surgical technique that consists of correctly repositioning facial structures that take on a dull, a sagging appearance over time and tightening the skin of the face and the neck to reduce wrinkles and skin laxity. The objective of your facelift in Turkey is to rejuvenate and improve the appearance of the face by stretching the skin and the muscle.
The full facelift procedure treats the deep structures of the facial tissues and can be performed alone or in addition to other treatments or interventions of aesthetic medicine such as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or lipofilling, used to reconstitute facial volumes that have been emptied.

Facelift Turkey : for whom ?

You can be a good candidate for a facelift surgery if your face has become saggy. The aging effects of the soft parts of the face are visible especially along the jaw line or under the chin.

facelift turkey

A facelift can correct many signs of facial aging, so it can improve:

  • The sagging skin of the midface
  • The deep wrinkles under the lower eyelids
  • The deep folds that extend along the nose to the sides of the mouth
  • The imperfections due to fat redistribution
  • The loose skin and the characteristic cords under the chin

The price of the facelift in Turkey

Our Clinic is a renowned clinic in the field of facelift surgery in Turkey. You can benefit from a cheap facelift price in Turkey while guaranteeing a satisfactory result.

Our clinic offers significant discounts that allow you to combine your facelift with another cosmetic surgery procedure such as blepharoplasty or rhinoplasty.

How much does a facelift cost in Turkey ?

The cost of a facelift turkey with our Clinic is at an all-inclusive price. Indeed, the patient benefits from a total care and an all inclusive facelift procedure.

This price includes the doctors' fees, the price of the procedure, the cost of the pre- and postoperative care and a stay in a luxury hotel during the convalescence period.

Prices starting from 2100 € depending on the type of the facelift you are considering. Ask for a free online quote to take advantage of a personalized and confidentialfacelift price.

facelift turkey price

All facelift types in Turkey

full facelift turkey
  • Forehead lift : This is the type of facelift that corrects the signs of aging that appear on the forehead, around the eyebrows and, in part, on the upper eyelids.
  • Temporal lift : this facelift concerns the upper and the lateral part of the face (the temporal region) and more particularly the eyebrows. It is called temporal lift, eyebrow lift, the rejuvenation of the upper middle third of the face or facelift and should not be confused with the forehead lift (which is little practiced since the advent of Botox in aesthetics).
  • Cervico-facial lift : this is the most common type of facelift that treats the entire area of the lower face and the neck.
  • Malar lift : it targets the following areas : the cheekbones, the cheeks, the dark circles.
  • Mini-facelift : it is also called soft-facelift, this is a cosmetic medicine treatment that rejuvenates the oval of the face and the neck.

What is a full facelift ?

The full facelift is the treatment of facial rejuvenation which combines the following procedures :

  • A cervico-facial lift : this is the lower facelift that treats the lower 2/3 of the face.
  • A temporal lift.
  • A forehead lift.
  • Blepharoplasty : the surgery for drooping eyelids.

Full facelift Turkey : for whom ?

The ideal candidates for full facelift in Turkey are women and men who begin to notice that the skin on their face and neck is beginning to be loose even though their skin has still some elasticity. There is no ideal age for this procedure since each person will start to notice these changes at a different age. It is important to discuss the results you hope to achieve with the surgeon before the intervention.

full facelift turkey price

How to prepare for the facelift in Turkey ?

It is essential to have a preoperative consultation with your surgeon in order to explain the course of the procedure, to understand your expectations and to answer all your questions. A complete preoperative check-up will then be prescribed. Smoking must be stopped at least during the 15 days before and after the intervention in order not to alter the healing process. It is important to avoid taking any medication containing aspirin in the 3 weeks preceding the facelift in Turkey

Full facelift : how is it performed ?

facelift in turkey

The full facelift is a procedure that is most often performed under general anaesthesia, very rarely under deep local anaesthesia…

The full facelift procedure is performed through a small incision going from the top of the ear to the back of the earlobe. The skin is detached, stretched and fixed at two points : at the level of the zygomatic bone and in front of the ear. Once tightened, the excess skin is removed and sutured.

The skin of the neck is almost completely detached, the neck muscle is then tense. The skin is then tightened and its excess is removed by fixing it to the incision points.

Facelift in Turkey : the results

The full facelift treatment gives definitive results that begin to be visible after the third month. The recovery of the lift is done in three stages :

  • An instant facial rejuvenation effect is almost immediately observed. At this stage, the treated areas show slight swelling.
  • In this second stage, the inflammation will have diminished and the inflammatory process will be extinguished.
  • The third step is the adhesion to the skin. When about a month has elapsed since the procedure, the tissue adheres to the deep plane and at this moment, the skin tension occurs.
full facelift in turkey
facelift cost turkey

Full facelift : the postoperative recovery

A facelift usually lasts two to four hours and it can require one night of hospitalization.
After the facelift procedure, there is some disomfort that can be managed with both common painkillers and ice applications.
In the first 24 hours, many patients who have had a facial surgery in Turkey have bruising to varying degrees. Intense activities during the healing of the facelift should be avoided until the swelling has subsided. This may take four to six weeks, but within two weeks, the swelling should be reduced enough to allow you to perform all of your daily routine tasks. You will probably want to limit your usual public relations activities for the first two weeks after the facelift.

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